Responding to an article in The Sunday Times on the influx of foreign talent in Singapore, renowned local food guru KF Seetoh said that it is not that Singaporeans want foreigners, it’s the quality of foreign talents needed.

“deh, it’s not if Singaporeans want foreigners la, it’s the Quality Of Foreign talents needed”, he wrote in a Facebook post on Sunday (Oct 11).

Mr Seetoh was responding to an article published in The Sunday Times that day, titled, ‘S’pore’s reputation for being open to talent at risk?’.

The article was about keeping Singapore’s doors open because Covid-19 and an economic downturn have brought about a locals-first emphasis, along with anti-foreigner sentiments amongst netizens.

The piece touched on some of the mixed feelings that foreigners have about coming to Singapore.

In his post, Mr Seetoh colloquially chided: “Your Ah Kong and great grand yeh yeh once came off a boat from all over the world and decided to built this city, and they did. They were committed to making things better here. We need more of those and please use smalller holed manpower sieves in future when filtering them down onto our red dot island”.

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He added that while some foreigners help and contribute to nation building, “The rest are mere highly paid long term tourist who brought the whole family along and impose their foreign kampung rules and habits here on us”.

Read related: KF Seetoh calls out Singaporean employees who attempt to exploit SME owners