Friends star Jennifer Aniston admitted that she ‘loved’ playing a fictional celebrity on her series The Morning Show. But, she did not love playing pool on Thursday as seen through her opponent Courtney Cox’s video of the game which was uploaded to her Instagram account. The 51-year-old actress was amusingly frustrated at not being able to score any balls. Cox, 56 had no trouble at pool, sinking ball after ball with ease.

Whenever Aniston missed her shots, Cox would turn the camera around to focus on her own hilarious disappointed face. Aniston told the camera in her defence that it had been a long time since she last played. Fortunately, at the end of the video, Aniston managed to score a ball and she jumped up and down in joy.

Cox captioned the hilarious video, ‘I may have had a good night…but could my friend BE any cuter?’ 

Aniston shared that it was ‘cathartic’ playing a celebrity on the new Apple+ drama series The Morning Show. Aniston found fame in the 1990s when she played Rachel Green on Friends, years before playing a famous news anchor on The Morning Show. Speaking to Los Angeles Times , Aniston said, “To actually look at it from an actor brain observing it and acknowledging it, I had to look at it as opposed to pretending it doesn’t exist.”

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“Doing The Morning Show was ‘Cathartic, yes, and also interesting for me to look at how I always have tried to normalize being fine and: “everything’s great, you know, this is all normal,” and then there are moments when you have your private breakdown or your: “Calgon, take me away,” moments.'”

Aniston was referring to a 1970s for Calgon bath powder in which a stressed-out woman says: ‘Calgon, take me away!’ and is then seen basking blissfully in the tub. In The Morning Show, there is a scene where Aniston’s character freaks out on the way to a function and she controls herself because crying would ruin her makeup.

Aniston dished: “There have been moments – not to that level of hysteria – but moments of: “I don’t want to f***ing go here,” “I don’t want to walk out onto the carpet,” “I don’t want to be seen,” “I don’t want to be looked at and everyone’s going to be talking about me and judging me”…that’s real.”

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She added: “I just loved being able to walk into it and lean into it and not be ashamed of it, but actually just…it was like…”Ooooooooooh.”‘

Aniston has gone through a lot in real life including her failed marriages to Brad Pitt and Justin Theroux. Brad infamously left Aniston for Angelina Jolie whom he is now in the midst of divorcing. Aniston’s The Morning Show character Alex goes through marital separation too and has to cope with parenting a college-age daughter.

In the meantime, she is juggling with having to retain her stardom and dealing with the fallout of a #MeToo scandal involving her co-anchor played by Steve Carell. Kerry Ehrin, the showrunner said that Aniston was always ready when it came to the personal relevant material on the series.

“I was so moved to tears so many times, just watching behind the monitor and brought to tears at the level of bravery of being that truthful,” said Kerry.

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“I know her well enough to know when she’s being concerned about what other people think, and she just let everything go. She exorcised a lot of conflict through this character,” revealed the showrunner.

Speaking on inspiration, Kerry said: “I do think I glean emotional structure from people and after spending time with her, I felt certain instincts about writing the character.”

However, Kerry confessed that “it’s hard to say whether that comes from a conversation or something I saw 20 years ago that she did.”

Alex is uncomfortable with the rise of another anchor on the show. The anchor is played by Reese Witherspoon who also guest-starred on Friends. The actress played Rachel’s spoilt sister Jill who was so competitive with her that she flirted with Rachel’s ex-boyfriend Ross (David Schwimmer). /TISG