Singapore – Sengkang GRC’s MP-elect Jamus Lim took to social media to express the importance of engagement as a driver of learning, emphasising this during a forum he attended with 100 students.

On Friday (August 14), Mr Lim, an associate professor at Essec Business School, shared a Facebook post of his experience with the students at Study Room. “I believe deeply in the importance of engagement as a driver of learning,” said Mr Lim. “When we are interested and passionate about what we are trying to understand, the absorption comes more naturally.”

He explained that by igniting a student’s natural curiosity, the process of studying transforms from a chore into a rewarding experience coming from the pleasure of discovering things.

Mr Lim mentioned he had the honour of responding to the questions posed by students of Study Room, a “one-stop centre” that provides Math, English and Science classes to students. He noted that the founders of the platform, Wallace and Wei, believe in engaging learners, among other principles of education similar to what The Workers’ Party believe in, such as the importance of small class sizes and extra-curricular enrichment programmes for students who need more help.

In a separate post by the Study Room, they thanked Mr Lim for answering every question “delightfully.” During the “interesting and inspiring” session, the students discovered information about Mr Lim such as his motivations while he was studying in school, his plans for Sengkang, thoughts about youth participation in politics, and even how he met his wife.

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“One student quipped that it felt like he (Mr Lim) was taking an oral exam with 100 examiners,” said Study Room, noting they had about 100 participants join the session.

While some parents expressed their disappointment at the invitation of an opposition party member to share their views with the children, both the Study Room and other parents who joined the session explained that Mr Lim, in particular, had a lot of success stories to share to the students, outside his political views.

The Study Room also disclosed that they have invited other speakers such as a Wuhan reporter, a former Syrian refugee and an ex-Olympian, to name a few, and are scheduled to hold a session with People’s Action Party MP Tin Pei Ling on Monday (August 17). “We are not a ‘regular’ tuition centre which simply gets students to ‘cram’ and memorise materials,” said the Study Room. “We aim for students to learn beyond the textbook, question and learn about life.”

Photo: FB screengrab
Photo: FB screengrab

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