Revealing One's Salary

SINGAPORE: A Reddit user wanted to know whether divulging the size of your pay cheque is still socially unacceptable, as this used to be taboo. “Always hear people say to keep yr salary secret,” wrote u/VacIshEvil on r/askSingapore on Thursday (Aug 23), adding that he realizes “most people” would get jealous and call someone who makes more money than them “rich.”

“Which make me think dun reveal is best policy. Do u reveal yr salary?” the post author asked. One commenter wrote that she “Revealed it to family member once and it spread like wildfire and generated a lot of unnecessary, passive aggressive comments,” and added, “Never again.”

Another chimed in, “Personally, I would be more open to discussing salary among colleagues and peers and refrain from revealing salary to family / certain friend groups.”

The post author added in a comment, “Can understand siblings will jealous. Parent may ask for more allowance hahaha.”

“Key (question) is whether you or the other people can handle the various emotions that will come when they know each other salaries,” a netizen opined.

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One gave this advice: “The issue you need to realize is, your coworker isn’t the problem. The problem is the company/manager. That’s all I needed to understand to not hold it against my coworker/friend. In fact, I was glad he told me in the end and I shared with him very frankly I was upset, but I know it’s not a problem with him.”

There are differences in opinions across generations, another argued.

Another said that real friends don’t get jealous when they learn how much your salary is.


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