SINGAPORE: A new study conducted by the Institute of Mental Health (IMH) has revealed that only 25% of smokers in Singapore manage to quit successfully, shedding light on the significant challenges many face when trying to break the habit.

The findings, based on a survey of 1,400 people, emphasize the influence of both education level and overall health on the likelihood of quitting.

The IMH research team found while 30% of smokers in Singapore expressed the intention to quit, and 40% had attempted to do so, only a quarter of these efforts were ultimately successful.

The study also highlighted that individuals with chronic illnesses, as well as those who had received medical advice from their doctors, were more inclined to attempt quitting.

This Singapore-based study aligns with global trends, where smokers struggle to quit despite widespread awareness of the health risks.

For instance, a study in the United States found that 77% of smokers expressed a desire to quit, yet only 7% succeeded.

Similarly, research in Malaysia revealed nearly half of smokers wanted to quit, but just 30% were able to do so. These findings point to the widespread difficulty smokers face in quitting, regardless of their location.

The IMH study also identified education level as a key factor influencing the willingness to quit. Smokers with lower education levels were found to be less inclined to make attempts to stop smoking.

This insight prompted the researchers to advocate for simplified smoking cessation information to better reach individuals with lower levels of education.

They also emphasized the importance of training healthcare professionals to effectively persuade smokers to quit, highlighting the potential impact of medical advice in supporting cessation efforts.