SINGAPORE: A fresh graduate took to Reddit to crowdsource ideas for job hunting, saying he’s been looking for employment since the beginning of the year and is starting to feel hopeless.

u/Ill-Cry-825 wrote on r/askSingapore on Monday (Aug 14) that he graduated from NUS Business School last May. His credentials are pretty good: “I was a marketing & ops student, and I’ve done 3 marketing internships. I have leadership experience and I’ve taken various certs/courses.”

However, he still hasn’t gotten employed despite applying for jobs and consultations with career advisors in the last six months.

“My expected salary is 3k. I’ve applied to all sorts of industries and companies,” he wrote, adding, “I feel like my chances will plummet as more fresh grads enter the market, and the past 8 months of failures is something I can never get back. That’s the worst part – losing all this time. And I just feel worse with each passing day.”

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He asked if he should be applying for internships and when the best time is to apply for work.

He added, “I already got rejected today but another company replied with ‘We will only move ahead with this role in Sep’ after I emailed them for an update after my interview. Does this mean they found all current applicants to be unsuitable?

Any help is appreciated. I’m at the end of my rope. I’ve been reading through the responses and slowly PMing people. I just feel so hopeless.”

Kind Reddit users offered him advice and encouragement, urging him to persevere as it can take a while to get a job.

Others shared job opportunities with him.

Some even asked for his resume so they could help out.


‘I’m losing hope’ — Jobless Singaporean says after being retrenched in April and still hasn’t found employment