SINGAPORE: In an Instagram post, artist Hong Ling shared some of her reflections – particularly on choosing and not choosing what to do in her life.

She declared in her post caption that these realizations would make her ‘younger self proud’ and that these would be something ‘her future self will be grateful for.’ 


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A post shared by Hong Ling (@honglingg_)

She expresses that the condition of one’s birth, essential being, and departure on earth are the things that no one can control, and neither is the outcome. 

You can’t choose NOT to be born, can’t choose your parents, can’t choose to be born rich or poor and can’t choose the time and place of your birth,” she said. 

Hong Ling added: “You can’t choose your core personality or basic temperament, your innate abilities, DNA, your size, features etc.,” and “You can’t choose NOT to die. You can’t choose the manner of your departure, whether in pain at a hospital or in comfort, passing on at home in your sleep.” 

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However, she also listed three things which people can choose to live their lives to the fullest – their friends, occupation, and hobbies. 

“[In regard to occupation] Choose according to your strengths and your passion!” she remarked.

“[In regard to hobbies] Choose your recreation well—what rejuvenates and enriches your soul! And choose your coping strategy wisely,” she added. 

Netizens expressed their thoughts in the comments section as well. 

One IG user stated: “That’s super good to choose something positive and I will choose myself and my future that I will be proud of myself no matter what mistakes I’ve done I still made myself proud :)” which gained a reply from Hong Ling saying: “go for it” 

Another IG user mentioned: “More imptly, u CAN choose to be happy or not ❤️” which the artist replied with: “I want to choose happy!!!!” 

More users commented: “i agree with what u wrote 👍🏻”, “Yes, you are correct. Be good and your lot will be good. GOD is fair. We improve our lifestyle and he save you”, and “You are amazing ❤️❤️❤️”