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Singapore — The wife of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Madam Ho Ching, often comments on the Covid-19 pandemic situation in the country on her Facebook page. 

In one of her latest posts from Monday morning (Nov 1), she wrote that the virus moved the “pandemic goal posts.”

“You know what? 

The pandemic goal posts have been moved by the virus. 

The virus does not respect politics or political parties, race, language, religion, or nationalities.” 

Mdm Ho wrote that if it had not been for the Delta variant of the virus, things would be quite different. 

“But Delta came on top of Alpha, Beta and Gamma, and we are where we are,” she added.

However, she considers Singapore to be “luckier than most,” since the country’s bout with Delta came after Singapore had reached vaccination rates that were already high.

Mdm Ho wrote, “I shudder to think what would have happened if we have had Delta in the first instance, instead of the Wuhan variant. The carnage would have been unimaginable across the world.”

She then discussed the necessity of getting a booster jab in addition to the complete vaccine doses.

“This is not unusual, bcos many childhood or adult vaccines to protect against other infections or illnesses require a 3rd shot booster. A few require more than 3 shots, though rare.”

Explaining that the booster shot would not only provide very high levels of antibody protection that will last longer than the first two jabs, it will also give better protection with memory cells as well as against new variants of the virus. 

“The memory cells are like the teachers who remember the virus. With very high levels of antibodies, or severe covid illness, we are likely to have lots more B cells and T cell response. The B cells produce the antibodies to go after the virus, and the T cells produce the killer T cells to home in and destroy cells infected by the virus,” Mdm Ho explained.

Rather unexpectedly, in the comments section of her post, netizens began to ask her more questions about the booster jab, which, to her credit, she endeavoured to answer many of those who had questions right after she put up her post.

   She even answered one netizen who wrote there was “No such thing as Wuhan variant.”

She also answered one query about locking down migrant workers’ dorms.

Nevertheless, netizens seemed to need additional information about the booster shot and posted more questions.


Read also: “Getting covided should not be a stigma,” Ho Ching

“Getting covided should not be a stigma,” Ho Ching