Heartbreak is a terrible ordeal. Most people might choose to drown their sorrows and wallow in self-pity and destructive habits. But one heartbroken Japanese man decided it was the best time to improve himself.

A man who goes by Shirapyong on Twitter and Instagram posted his progress pictures and his inspirational story. Shirapyong shared that his wife left him several years ago because she viewed him as a “bald, dumpy, middle-aged guy.”

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・ 「生まれ変わるなら、生きてるうちに」 GGの須江正尋選手のサイン色紙に添えられてた言葉。 長渕剛「人生はラララ」の 歌詞の一部でした???? ・ もしも人生がやり直せるのなら♪ 誰も人生を悔やみはしない だけど人生は一度きりだから♪ 生まれ変わるなら生きてるうちに ・ 人生楽しみましょうね〜〜 まだまだこれからっす‼️ ・ さていよいよ明日はBBJ新潟大会 必ずや???????? ・ ってなわけで今日はゆっくり 映画「ダンケルク」からの トレーニングバトル「THE TOP」観戦 ・ #妹尾さんありがとうございます #ダンケルク #BBJ #ベストボディジャパン #人生はラララ #生まれ変わるなら生きてるうちに #長渕剛 #良い言葉

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Heartbroken and dejected, Shirapyong took this low point in his life as an opportunity to get fit again. According to Shirapyong, he used to do regular exercise when he was younger but had “fallen out of his fitness habits” when he graduated from college.

He went back to the gym and followed a strict fitness and dietary routine. He even signed up for a bodybuilding contest. Little did he know that it would be the beginning of a life-changing habit.

What happened seemed to be a redemption episode straight from an anime. Shirapyong has competed in several bodybuilding competitions, and he was consistently placed in top spots. His best attempt so far was fourth placing during the recent Tokyo Open Bodybuilding tournament’s over-40-years-old division.

He has also begun venturing into the cosplay and entertainment industry. He cosplayed as Dragon Ball Z’s Tien Shinhan and posed in a “muscle taxi” booth during the Niconico Chokaigi pop culture convention.

Netizens could not believe that the balding, middle-aged and flabby-looking man could turn into the ripped body builder who looks at least 10 years younger than his actual age.

Shirapyong is now more confident about himself, and is living a happy life with his new love, a woman he met at a bodybuilding event with whom he shares his fitness passion. His story shows that heartbreak proves to be the best motivator for self-improvement./TISG

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・ JBBF埼玉県オープン選手権大会 (メンズフィジーク・フィットネスビキニ) 私は ・176cm以下:予選落ち???? ・40歳以上:5位✨ 相方は ・158cm以上:3位✨ (編集前4位って書いちゃった????????????) 悔しい思いもありますが、 ホッとしてますし、嬉しいです。 初めて2人で挑んだJBBF 甘くはなかったですね。 8/20東京フィジーク・フィットネスビキニで 再度2人で参戦します。 年齢区分無しでの厳しい大会とはなりますが 応援よろしくお願いします。 本日も本当に多くの応援ありがとうございました???? 私は幸せ者です。 皆様大好きです❤️ ・ あっ!…そうそう ステージ上の写真は今後ねちねちUPします???? ・ #SBBF #JBBF埼玉オープン選手権 #musclesurfjapan #マッスルサーフジャパン #悔しい〜〜 #嬉しい〜〜 #まだまだ伸び代いっぱい

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