Singapore – A fight involving two young boys and an older man was caught on camera on August 17 (Saturday) which took place at Redhill Close.

Facebook user Liew Chee Keong uploaded a video showing an older man in a black shirt and pants squaring it off with two youngsters.

The youth in a black shirt landed a punch on the older man’s face, which sent him tumbling to the ground. The other boy seeing the older man on the floor kicked his head.

Fortunately, a GrabFood rider and some passers-by stepped in to break up the fight and  separated the parties from one another.

Vulgarities were then hurled back and forth among the three men.

While the other bystanders separated the men from each other, a woman approached the older man and tried talking some sense into him.

“Uncle, enough, uncle. I know it’s their fault, but yet you shouldn’t have, it’s actually no one’s fault. But why you start first, uncle?” asked the woman.

See also  Elderly man and wife get into shouting match with GrabFood rider on e-scooter

“They challenged me,” replied the uncle.

“Even if they challenged, you shouldn’t have…” said the woman.

As the two were in conversation, the boys got near the older man and started throwing vulgarities at him. One went around the bystanders and hit the older man once more while the other tried kicking their target.

The youth in black could be heard saying, “I mind my own business; you come and punch me.”

The video ends with a few more sharp words being thrown.

It is unclear as to who or what caused the altercation.

According to a report by The Straits Times, three men, between 17 and 55 years old, have been arrested.

The police added that a 55-year-old man was taken to Singapore General Hospital and believed to be one of the three arrested.

Police investigations are ongoing. -/TISG