SINGAPORE: Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim, Minister of State for National Development, promised in Parliament on Tuesday (7 Nov) that the government will further improve the design of rental flats to create a better living environment for families with young children.

Assoc Prof Faishal said that over the years, the HDB has gradually improved the design of rental HDB flats, such as the lighting and ventilation of HDB flats built after 2007.

Asserting that the newer rental flats are better than the old HDB flats in every aspect, he assured that the authorities also regularly repair and renovate older HDB flats.

Assoc Prof Faishal said that the authorities also want to see families living in HDB flats live better and for the elderly to enjoy their retirement years. To achieve this, it is not enough to improve hardware alone but to provide good social assistance measures and programs, he said.

Asserting that the authority attaches great importance to the design and living environment of HDB flats, the governing party politician promised that in addition to hardware, the Government will also provide software and mobilize government and social resources to support families in need.

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He also called on the public and private sectors to contribute ideas and resources and work with the authorities to improve the lives of families renting HDB flats.