Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong’s authorised biography landed in a display featuring the top 10 children’s books at a bookstore. The former Prime Minister shared the photo of his biography occupying the 8th spot in the display, on his own Facebook page.

ESM Goh wrote on social media last Thursday that someone sent him a photo of the display that appears to be at a Popular Bookstore outlet. Briefly asking whether the placement of his book in the display could be a prank, the politician commented that it does not matter since the book is selling well:

“Someone sent me this pic from a local bookshop. Truth, fiction, prank? Whatever, Tall Order is selling well but not a favourite of children surely.”

This is not the first time that the biography, entitled ‘Tall Order: The Goh Chok Tong Story,’ has been placed in a section in a bookstore where it does not belong.

In October last year, socio-political commentator Mr Brown spotted copies of ESM Goh’s book at the Fiction shelf of a Popular Bookstore outlet. Sharing a picture of the shelf that bears several copies of the biography, Mr Brown tweeted:

“Someone shelved Lao Goh’s book under fiction. I wonder if the bookseller knows something we don’t.”

Sharing a screenshot of Mr Brown’s tweet on Facebook, ESM Goh commented, “Book shop knows that fiction sells better than memoirs.”


Someone sent me this pic from a local bookshop. Truth, fiction, prank? Whatever, Tall Order is selling well but not a favourite of children surely. — gct

Posted by MParader on Wednesday, 26 December 2018