Singapore — A netizen took to Reddit, a popular social news website and forum, to marvel at an interesting sight in a department store chain.
After snapping a photo of the strange and maybe even seen by some as a cute sign, he uploaded it to a subreddit known as “r/singapore” to share it with others.
Much like other wet floor signs, the one in the photograph was bright yellow to attract the attention of unknowing passersby. It also had “CAUTION” and “WET FLOOR” printed in capital letters, as well as a symbol depicting a person slipping on the floor.
However, the similarities ended there.
The wet floor sign in the photograph was shaped much like a huge banana peel, with the legs curling away from the middle to give the sign the support it needed.
The top of the sign was also black, reminiscent of the black tip of a banana, which is actually the remains of the banana flower.
A few other netizens commented that the sign had actually already been at Takashimaya for quite a period of time now. One netizen cheekily asked how long it had been since the poster had last left his house.

Given that the sign was in the shape of a banana, a netizen pointed out that it was an extremely fitting design since people slip on both wet areas and banana peels.
A netizen also remarked that this design was superior to the standard wet floor signs as it seemed more stable and less likely to be tipped over.

A few other netizens said that the sign also reminded them of Mario Kart.

Other netizens said that they had also seen some creative wet floor signs at other locations that caught their attention.

You Zi Xuan is an intern at The Independent SG. /TISG