Foreign vehicles with several fines related to traffic and parking violations including those with vehicular emissions offenses can no longer enter Singapore beginning April 1. This regulatory move aims to toughen transport regulation enforcement within Singapore and cast an iron hand to repetitive offenders.
Based on government agency records, approximately 60,000 foreign vehicles enter Singapore on a daily basis. While majority of these overseas motorists are compliant to Singapore laws, a number of these travelers violate state rules and do not settle their outstanding penalties for the violations committed.
To remind foreign motorists to settle their outstanding fines, leaflets have been circulated and billboards have been installed at strategic locations, most especially at land checkpoints. Traffic police and other government agencies have also conducted operations at land checkpoints to detect such vehicles and get their owners to settle their unsettled penalties.
Continued violations
Despite the efforts being carried out to reduce the problem, there are still many foreign motorists who continue to disregard their outstanding fines. Thus, to further deter such behavior and to enable the effective enforcement of state laws and regulations, those who have failed to settle their fines and those who continue to disregard Singapore’s laws are no longer admitted entry.
It can be recalled that sometime in 2015, Malaysian authorities tightened checks on Singapore-registered cars that owe traffic fines across the Causeway. Drivers were surprised when they were stopped by Malaysian police and asked to pay multiple traffic fines on the spot.
At that time, there were nearly 313,661 summonses for Singapore-registered vehicles still outside tstanding, and 4,621 arrest warrants that needs to be issued against repeat offenders from Singapore.
Can it be said that Singapore is currently doing “a Malaysia”?
Settlement of obligations
To avoid being denied entry into Singapore, foreign motorists are advised to check if they have any outstanding fines for vehicle-related offenses, and to settle them immediately or visit Foreign motorists who wish to seek clarification on their offenses may contact the following agencies:
Housing & Development Board
Tel: 1800 – 2255432 / Email:
Land Transport Authority
Tel: 1800 – 2255582
National Environment Agency
Tel: 6225 5632
Singapore Police Force (Traffic Police)
Tel: 6547 0000
Urban Redevelopment Authority
Tel: 6329 3434