The friends and family of Charmaine Teo (pictured above) are desperately searching for her after she left a suicide note and left home two days ago, on 21 Nov 2017.

Charmaine’s friend, Ling Law posted an appeal for netizens to keep a lookout for Charmaine who was last seen in the Woodlands Circle area.

In her post on Facebook, Ling revealed that Charmaine was recently in the hospital for self-harming herself and that she sports a wound on her head. Charmaine, who had been staying with Ling over the past 12 years, was reportedly struggling with family problems and stress at work.

We re-publish Ling’s appeal in full here:

To all my friends on Facebook,

My Friend Charmaine Teo, stayed in my house, Woodlands Circle, since 12years ago due to her family problem, left a suicidal note and gone missing since last night 21 Nov 2017 about 9.30pm. 

She did not bring her identification card, passport, bank card, ezlink, phone, key, etc. I attached her recent photo taken when she was in the hospital due to her abusing herself. Her hair will be about 1cm long now.

She still have wound on her head so she is wearing a black hat. Last seen wearing red short sleeves top with hood and long black pants. However she might change her clothes as she did bring along something with her but I dunno what is it.

Already reported police. She will be due to change her dressing tomorrow 23 Nov 2017 if not her wound might get infection and worsen her condition. She is upset by her family problem and stress at work.

Since she did not bring much things with her, just some loose cash and miscellaneous, she should still be around Woodlands area. If anyone see her, because she have suicide intention, please help to call the police.

Just call 999, inform them this is the missing person Charmaine Teo, police will go down. Please help to look around if you happen to be around Woodlands area. Thank you very much.

Ps: If you see her, after calling the police, please also help me tell her that ling and her Mum want her to be back home sound and safe. Thank you!