A video showing a domestic helper pinching, pushing and shoving an elderly woman she worked for is circulating online. The video, that made its way online over the weekend, shows that the incident occurred in full view of the public.

In the video, the helper can be seen accompanying an elderly couple to Geylang Bahru Market & Food Centre. While the scene initially seems normal, things take a turn for the worse when the helper starts treating the elderly woman callously as she ate her food.

As the helpless old lady was chewing on her food, the helper – who appeared impatient – starts jabbing the senior citizen’s face before proceeding to pinch the elderly lady’s breasts. The cruel helper then forcefully shoved the water bottle in the old lady’s mouth as she was drinking water, causing the victim’s head to jerk backwards.

Relentless, the helper shoved the bottle forcefully at the old lady’s mouth once again as she was drinking water. After the elderly lady was done with her drink, the helper callously shoved her fingers into the old lady’s mouth – presumably to check if there was still food in her mouth.

All this while, the elderly woman’s husband stood by helplessly, unable to do anything to help his wife:


The couple’s granddaughter has since condemned the helper. Speaking to Stomp, the granddaughter called the helper’s actions “sick,” and said:

“It sucks because I want to be [giving] like my grandmother, but seeing how she was treated like shit by a stranger, it tells me that people don’t actually treat you nice just because you are a nice person.”

Revealing that she lodged a police report against the helper on the same day that the incident occurred, the granddaughter revealed that her family has fired the helper.

She further shared that this is the fourth helper her family has hired to care for her grandmother who suffers from dementia. The first helper, who had been with the family for years, passed away due to old age while her replacement ended up stealing S$7,000 from the elderly woman.

The third helper had to return home to her husband. The family is now looking to hire a replacement after sacking the helper who was caught on camera ill-treating the elderly lady. -/TISG