SINGAPORE: Desmond Tan posted another shirtless picture on his Instagram account to show his muscular and healthy physique. “Lazy sunday morning. Coffee?☕️😉 said Desmond in his post caption, alongside a coffee and a winking emoji. 

To that, local personalities left their comments—not on Desmond’s body but on his mug. Stage actor Hossan Leong curiously asked: “Is that for sale…? The mug?” which gained a reply from Desmond saying “of cos~”, playing along with his joke.

A witty comment from Alaric stated: “Nice Mug Shot!” and yep, with pun intended. Desmond replied to this, declaring, “finally someone got it!”

Benjamin Kheng also joined the party, commenting: “Tag yourselves. I’m the mug.” 

Despite all the coffee mug comments, others fell for his physical appearance – wanting to be the coffee/mug. 

One IG user stated: “I wanna be that coffee.” 

See also  Jeremy Chan, Desmond Tan and Ayden Sng travel to Malaysia & Thailand to film their upcoming drama; the trio ate 2,000 eggs!

One more user suggested: “Ladies, imagine you are the cup.” 

Another IG account remarked: “You should’ve asked “coffee or me” because coffee can’t make our day more than you could!!”