
“Blatant racism in Singapore?” was the headline of a post shared on Reddit, an online news forum on Thursday (15 Sept). The post recounted the writer’s experience being a firsthand witness of outright racial bias.

“I was just at a hair salon today and was getting a hair treatment down at the sinks when a Chinese guy was escorted in by a Malay stylist,” the post read. “The moment the stylist wanted to sit him down to wash his hair for him, the guy started asking if she was Chinese.”

The witness reported that the man spoke English quite well, which negated the possible reason for such behaviour being a language barrier. The man was then reported to have asked for Chinese stylists.

The writer praised the Malay stylist for being graceful even in the face of such behaviour, and said, “She just calmly informed him that all the Chinese stylists were occupied.”

In response to this, the writer recalls the man taking his belongings and leaving the salon, stating he would return when a Chinese hairdresser was available.

See also  Ex-commando weighs in on racial hatred in Malaysia

“I thought as a society we’re beyond this kind of racism already. This is just so horrible to see,” the post read.

In response to the writer asking others if they had witnessed any similar instances, many came forward with their stories.

From Indians trying to rent an apartment and being told they’re “smelly and cook smelly food,” to Malays experiencing micro-aggressions where their “Malay side” is talked about, saying it’s what makes them “always very laid back and relaxed,” many seem to have witnessed and even experienced this in one way or another.

Photo: screengrab from Reddit Singapore comments

As one put it, “It’s everywhere and so common in Singapore…some are more subtle, but still very noticeable nonetheless.”

Photo: screengrab from Reddit Singapore comments
Photo: screengrab from Reddit Singapore comments
Photo: screengrab from Reddit Singapore comments
Photo: screengrab from Reddit Singapore comments
Photo: screengrab from Reddit Singapore comments
Photo: screengrab from Reddit Singapore comments
Photo: screengrab from Reddit Singapore comments
Photo: screengrab from Reddit Singapore comments
Photo: screengrab from Reddit Singapore comments
Photo: screengrab from Reddit Singapore comments