SINGAPORE: A woman took to social media after allegedly being given dirty cutlery at Swensen’s in Tampines Mall. This happened not only once but twice because after she had received the first food-encrusted fork, she exchanged it for a new cutlery tray.

A Facebook user, Catherine Ang Seow Leng, posted photos of the dirty forks on the COMPLAINT SINGAPORE page on Thursday (Feb 23).

Ms Ang added that when she got home, she had diarrhoea but was “not sure if it is because of the food we ate there but I assume so.”

Her post has since gotten many shares and comments.

One netizen wrote, “Nowadays hygiene standard is getting worse everywhere. Don’t know where goes wrong. Staff does not train of food hygiene or bosses just get any worker without giving training/briefing.”

Others urged her to report the matter to the Singapore Food Agency (SFA).

One had an unusual suggestion to ensure food and beverage establishments are kept on their toes.

“I think it is high time now to display the phone nos of the govt dept in charge on this matters on the wall of all restaurants.”

Another netizen seemed to believe that the problem may have come from the cutlery baskets, writing, “Could be when they stack the cutlery basket on top and the basket on the top has sauce/food residue at the bottom. Baskets need to be checked daily and washed weekly.”

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A commenter wrote that she always cleans cutlery in restaurants. “I always make it a point to use wet wipes on all fork/spoon/knife when dinning out.”

Another agreed, “It is my practices to clean the cutlery before dig in the meal.”

One said that he recently had an experience where the iPad for ordering at Swensen’s was full of fingerprints.

“Yeah. Went to swensens causeway point too. My god. The ipad to order was sooooooooo dirty with fingerprints of 50 customers before me. Had to tell the servers please help to clean up the ipad. Still didn’t make much difference. LOL. Oh well. But those cutleries are another level.”

The Independent Singapore (TISG) had reached out to Ms Ang, who told us, “The manager at Swensen’s was very nonchalant when I went to exchange for a new cutlery tray. Wasnt apologetic or anything.”

TISG has requested a comment from Swensen’s as well.

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