The anti-Foreigner virus is gaining grounds in many countries. From the U.S. to the EU, the scorn against migrants and foreigners ‘invading’ their countries were seen on international news channels.

Singaporeans scorned the ‘foreign’ invasion of some of its cities. There were complaints about the PRC’s and their alleged rudeness.

The Little India incident in 2013 added to the cause against heavy dependence on foreign workers and the influx of foreigners in the city-state.

The same sentiment has now gripped Malaysia. (see video below)

A Clean Malaysia Movement (CMM) is going around filming their actions with the hope the authorities will act against shops and outlets in Kuala Lumpur that they believe are illegally employing foreigners or are run by foreigners.

The video clearly depicts the acts of the members of the group asking the foreigners for the IDs before asking a series of other questions.

TISG spoke to CMM which did not respond to our question whether they had the rights or license to police the streets in the hunt for foreigners allegedly working or doing business illegally.

The question was not well taken by the admin of their Facebook page though they later said they were glad to cooperate with us on the issue.

In response to another question on why they were after foreigners who had UNCHR ID’s, the admin said the people carrying those type of ID’s were not liable for employment or for doing business in Malaysia.

They gave the impression that they believed they were doing the right thing.

For some of the locals facing the ‘witchhunt’ – which is organised by several other groups and not only by the CCM -, it is an unnecessary harassment.

Many of them employ the ‘UNHCR’ cardholders for various economic reasons. They do not have to pay the monthly EPF’s or the minimum wage.

Others would say they are doing their duties as Malaysians by employing some of these cardholders, who are mostly Rohingya Muslim refugees.

However, The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has urged the newly appointed Pakatan Harapan Government to allow refugees to stay and work in Malaysia legally.

UNHCR representative Richard Towle said that this could be done even without ratifying international protocols that recognise refugees

“If you know who the refugees are, then you can manage law and order and security issues better. Employers definitely need the kind of labour that refugees can provide,” he told.

The CMM believes the influx of foreigners in the country and the fact that they are allowed to do business or to get employed by the outlets run by foreigners or locals is a violation of Malaysian laws.

Under the previous administration, a decision was made to allow the UNHCR cardholders to get jobs. But since the Pakatan Harapan took power in the shock elections in May, there seems to be growing intolerance against the refugees and deepening sentiments against foreigners working or owning businesses.

This is particularly felt in the small business segments where some Malaysians feel they should be in control.

The CCM told TISG they had no other choice but to show their discontent.

On their Facebook page, they have messages directed to the local governments and enforcement agencies to step up their actions against illegal employment and foreigners working illegally in the country.

“Put yourself in our shoes,” the admin message said to TISG.
