SINGAPORE — In this day and age, racism, unfortunately, appears to be still alive and kicking based on a recent incident on Orchard Road where a Chinese man, said to be in his 20s, allegedly spat at an interracial couple.

After spitting, the man reportedly said, “You should not be with a Chinese girl! Your girlfriend should be my girlfriend!”

The incident occurred on Sunday (Dec 18) at around 2:45 in the afternoon while a Chinese woman and an Indian man were walking into Uniqlo at Orchard Central holding hands. Suddenly, a young man in glasses wearing a dark blue shirt and jeans accosted them and spat in the direction of the man, Wake Up Singapore reported on Dec 25.

The Indian man was shocked by his actions, but upon regaining his mind, he asked the Chinese man why he spat at them. After he answered that the Indian man should not be with the Chinese woman and that she should be with him instead, he spat at them again and gestured an obscene sign with his middle finger.

Upon doing so, the Chinese man ran away.

“I didn’t know what to do. Got so angry that I teared up. I’ve been accustomed to hearing racist things, mostly microaggressions stemming from ignorance, by someone whom I somewhat know.

But this was the first time a completely random stranger had the audacity to do something like this.

On hindsight, I’m quite thankful it happened now. When I’m older, wiser, more matured. With more at stake, more to lose. My career, finances, and future on the line should I have reacted with force. I would likely get into similar if not more trouble than that random guy himself,” he told Wake Up, Singapore.

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He filed a police report the same day over the incident, and the case was assigned to an officer from the Tanglin Police Divisional Investigation Branch.

Footage of the incident from a nearby CCTV camera has been submitted to the police by security officers as well, Mothership reported on Dec 26.

Netizens commenting on Mothership’s report on the incident have condemned the Chinese man’s actions.


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