The following is a letter by Ms Judy Tan to the Government’s feedback unit Reach. We were copied in her correspondence. We republish her letter in full.

I am writing to give a feedback as well as inquire on the different practices of health clusters here.

My child was involved in an unfortunate accident with a Comfort DelGro cab whose driver has pleaded guilty and an official claim has been lodged in the subordinate courts since 2012 where the “assessment of damages” has stalled pending much delays caused by the motto of “the playground of the rich”.

The Social Service Office (SSO) steps in to fill the gap in the meantime by issuing a “Medical Fee Assistance Card” to help with surmounting medical costs. There is, however, a recurring problem in the Health Ministry as highlighted by the Honorable Opposition Leader at the Budget Debate due to the fact of the same old people being in those positions, particularly at Changi General Hospital (CGH) where they see no incentives in making any improvement for ages.

My child has been denied proper medical attention by CGH podiatry department since January 2015 as they claimed not to “recognise” the SSO card which stated it’s “good for use at all restructured hospitals”. They further claimed they will look into this but never got back to us since. I have already consulted the PAP MP of my area several times on this matter alone but never fail to receive a redirecting notification from MOH, which then disappears into the blackhole of CGH.

See also  NMP scheme examined

I do not know exactly where or what went wrong with healthcare here and find it extremely appalling that fellow citizens do not seem to bother about the very thing that affects their lives including the needless deaths at Singapore General Hospital where 2 PAP MPs are based!

Now, CGH being the most “problematic child” of Singapore healthcare have had issues ranging from extremely Long Waiting Queues to taking easy ways out wanting to end a human life prematurely without doing due diligence if the patient could be saved. Their ridiculous policy of only allowing six weeks “open date” since the last treatment/consultation is one of the only laughable kinds in our country.

I do hope that with your advertisements on bus stops all over the island “encouraging” Singaporeans to provide governmental feedback only through this channel, that the panel will heed the calls of citizens for concrete actions into the unnecessary problems afflicting them that is caused by lack of consultation coupled with a weak political and civil service resolute to solve them.