Singapore—Some older models from Apple’s 15-inch MacBook Pro line of laptops have been banned from Singapore Airlines (SIA). Apple issued a voluntary recall of laptops sold from September 2015 and February 2017, since these units use a battery that could overheat and present the risk of fire.

On August 14, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in the United States banned these laptops from flights because of the fire hazard.

The European Union Aviation Safety Agency has issued the same ban.

On August 25, Sunday, Singapore Airlines published the following news alert on its website:

Recall of Older Generation 15-inch MacBook Pro Models

Apple has recently announced a recall of a limited number of older generation 15-inch MacBook Pro models. Affected models were sold primarily between September 2015 and February 2017.

Customers are to refrain from bringing the affected models either as hand-carry or in checked baggage until the battery has been verified as safe or replaced by the manufacturer.

Please visit Apple’s MacBook Pro Battery Recall Program page to get more information on whether your product is affected, as well as on the available battery replacement options.

First published on 25 August 2019, 0030hrs

Apple first made its voluntary recall of the affected 15-inch MacBook Pro units on June 20, announcing on its website, “Apple has determined that, in a limited number of older generation 15-inch MacBook Pro units, the battery may overheat and pose a fire safety risk. Affected units were sold primarily between September 2015 and February 2017 and product eligibility is determined by the product serial number.

Customer safety is always Apple’s top priority, and we have voluntarily decided to replace affected batteries, free of charge.”

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One week later, a report was published by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission saying that there were a total of 460,000 units affected by the recall.

Apple also clarified that other models of MacBook Pro units and Mac notebooks were unaffected by the recall.

In June a video of a burned MacBook Pro that had exploded after catching fire, published by musician White Panda, went viral on social media platforms including Twitter and Reddit. The burned laptop had been a 2015 MacBook Pro reportedly operating normally.

Apple did not make a statement, however, as to whether or not the recall was related to the viral video from White Panda.

To determine whether or not your laptop is eligible for the recall, Apple issued the following advisory: “First check to see which 15-inch MacBook Pro you have. Choose About This Mac from the Apple menu () in the upper-left corner of your screen. Confirm your model is “MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015).”

If you have that model, enter your computer’s serial number (on this page  to see if it is eligible for this program.

If your MacBook Pro is eligible, please stop using it and follow the instructions below to have your battery replaced.”

Thai Airways has also banned the affected MacBook Pros from all of its flights./ TISG

Read related: Apple’s MacBook Pro joins list of items banned from flying, certain units being recalled

Apple’s MacBook Pro joins list of items banned from flying, certain units being recalled