The law firm representing Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has sought payment of a total of $21,000 for two summonses from blogger Leong Sze Hian.

PM Lee earlier filed a defamation claim against Mr Leong, for sharing on Facebook an article alleging that PM Lee played a part in laundering money from 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB). The article, which was not written by Mr Leong, garnered 22 reactions, five comments and 18 shares.

Mr Leong is fighting the claim against him in court and filed a counterclaim against PM Lee for “abusing the process of the court in bringing the claim against me.” PM Lee’s lawyer Davinder Singh applied to strike out the counterclaim by Leong, before Mr Leong applied to strike out PM Lee’s original defamation claim against him.

After hearing the striking out applications by both parties last month, Justice Aedit Abdullah delivered his judgment on Tuesday (12 Mar) and struck out Mr Leong’s counterclaim.

See also  Lee Hsien Yang says scandals have shattered people's trust in PM Lee's regime

The judge also ordered Mr Leong to pay costs. On Thursday (14 Mar), Davinder Singh Chambers (DSC) sent a statement to the law firm representing Mr Leong, seeking payment of a total of S$21,000 for two summonses.

The statement said: “As you know, on 12 March 2019, the Honourable Justice Aedit Abdullah allowed SUM 148 and dismissed SUM 428 and on 13 March 2019. His Honour ordered your client to pay out client costs of $6,000 (all in) in respect of SUM 148 and $15,000 (all in) in respect of SUM 428.”

Mr Leong is expected to make payment by 5pm on Thursday (21 Mar). Read the statement that was issued to his legal counsel here:

Posted by Leong Sze Hian on Sunday, 17 March 2019