Another young person has been caught on camera jumping on a stranger’s car bonnet, just two days after a similar incident involving an elderly Grab driver. Curiously, this latest incident happened at the same location the last incident occurred – at St. James Powerstation.
In this latest incident that occurred around 2am yesterday, a group of young people who appear to be in their 20s exit a storefront. One of the girls in the group runs towards a car parked in front of them but stops short before she reaches the vehicle.
Another person in the group then runs and launches themselves onto the bonnet of the car and proceeds to lay on the bonnet. This person strikes a few poses while on the bonnet of the car as the others laugh before climbing off the vehicle shortly after.
Facebook user Stan Cheng, the owner of the car, shared the dashboard camera footage on social media:
Last Saturday, a young man was caught on camera jumping on a car that was approaching him and stomping on the vehicle’s windshield as he climbed off the car. It was later revealed that the driver of the car is a 72-year-old Grab driver.
The police have confirmed that the culprit in that case has been arrested and is waiting to be charged. A police spokesman told reporters: “On May 5 at about 3am, the police were alerted to a case of rash act at 3 Sentosa Gateway. A 26-year-old man has been arrested in relation to the case and he will be charged in court on May 7, 2018.”