SINGAPORE: A 29-year-old woman took to social media after the man she was dating for three months said that he was not as serious as she was about the relationship.

In an anonymous post to popular confessions page NUSWhispers, the woman said they had met on a dating app and had been going out for the past three months. She added that they had been on about 15 or 16 dates in total. She also said that they had not been in relationships before. “He’s a chivalrous man and I really do like him. He even remembers everything that I have mentioned before (i.e. what I like/dislike, what I’d like to do and etc) and plans all the dates accordingly. He did mention that he kinda likes me and would like to continue going out with me after our 3rd or 4th date, which I agreed”, the woman wrote. She added that during their most recent date the man said that while he liked her, he was not prepared to commit himself because she was looking for a serious relationship that would eventually lead to marriage.

“He says that’s he’s also looking for something serious but not until that extent (marriage) yet. I really do like him, but I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to remain as friends (with the hope that he will change his mind?) Because I’m afraid I’ll fall harder for him the more time we spend together”, the woman wrote, asking netizens for advice.

One netizen commented: “He is looking for a “serious but not so serious until marriage” type of relationship. That’s telling you he has other options, not just you. Remaining as friends with him (in the hope that he might change his mind down the road) will be a painful lesson only for you, if he finds another option and then exits your life without a word. And you’ll be left hanging. So advice is: you should try to disconnect with him asap”.

See also  Woman in relationship with guy for 4 months has only been on 2 dates with him, never met his friends or family, and unsure if he's sincere or not

Another also commented: “He has categorised you as ‘good for fun only, not for marriage’. Sorry babe that’s the hard truth. Now the ball is in your court, you can either provide the free fun he’s looking for (zero chance to change his mind), or walk away to show him you are worth more. Your choice.”

Earlier this year, a man took to social media asking others for suggestions on how to get rid of his sister’s jerk boyfriend. In an anonymous post to popular confessions page SGWhispers, the man said that his 22-year-old sister was dating a guy who was “26, an old repeat student and jobless”.

“Before my sister starts her job in another country, he proposed to her with a measly tiny diamond ring. The diamond is so small I think it’s not even 0.2 carat”, the man said. He shared that he told his sister not to accept the proposal and to start her job without him. He wrote that he often saw his sister crying while on the phone, so he knew the couple had frequent fights.