Dear men of Singapore,

I do not know all of you but I am dating one of you. I am fortunate to be with a man who has an opinion and does not falter when I attempt to bully him into agreeing with me in an argument. He is always clear with his own beliefs and I respect that quality in him. I admit that it feels terribly lonely when the person closest to you does not share your opinion, but it is also terribly satisfying to see your partner stand up for his views.

Truth be told, I have not met many of you. Those who won’t apologise  for the sake of keeping the peace in a relationship. And those who refuse to buy a girl gifts just because she demands them.

I have met men who refuse to say, “anything lah” to questions a girl asks. Whether it is where to eat, where to go or how they feel, they are always vocal and honest about themselves.

A month ago, I was walking down Orchard Road and I met one of you. He was about 18 years old and a complete stranger. He walked up to me and struck up a conversation. I could tell he was nervous but he talked to me for half an hour without missing a beat. I asked him why he talked to me, he said: “I want to get out of my comfort zone.”

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I love the fact he was brave even though he was afraid. There is nothing corny about walking up to a girl in broad daylight for a chat. It shows confidence. It shows that you are not the type who will run away when circumstances throw you out of your comfort zone.

So dear men, I do not care how many times you have been rejected by a girl. I do not care how many people have called you a wuss. I have seen some of you stand up for yourselves. Just because the current trend of the media is to empower women, it does not mean men should be disempowered by the truckloads of  women masquerading as feminists.

Be brave, stand out. We women love a man with a backbone. Happy Valentine’s Day!

(Please feel free to to speak your mind in reply.)