CORRECTION NOTICE: An earlier post (dated 12 Dec 2024, that has since been deleted) communicated false statements of fact.

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According to a blog which is dedicated to City Harvest Church (CHC) trials, new reports have allegedly been filed in the Commercial Affairs Department against Kong Hee and Sun Ho. The post said that the report was lodged by Chew Eng Han, one of the six CHC leaders who were on trial earlier. Mr Chew is sentenced to six years’ jail for his role in a conspiracy with intent to cause wrongful loss to CHC and to defraud auditors.

Besides Kong Hee and Sun Ho, six other Church members have been named in the report. The police has confirmed receiving the report.

Meanwhile, another blog dedicated to keeping tabs on Christianity’s false teachers, Church Watch Central, has claimed that when Kong Hee recently preached in South Africa, he demonised Singaporean authorities for putting him and his wife through hell, when he said, “we are in the midst of the greatest fight of our lives right now because there is a plot from the devil to destroy my life and my ministry.”