Hong Kong — To celebrate Hong Kong actor Simon Yam’s 66th birthday on Friday (March 19), his daughter uploaded a collection of photos on social media. Ella, 16, tagged her father on Weibo and wrote: “Happy birthday, dad.” Five photos were added to the post with the first one showing Yam jumping to grab a Minnie Mouse balloon while a young Ella looked on. Two photos showed Yam and Ella visiting Beijing when she was younger.
As reported in The Straits Times, Ella was holding a small umbrella in front of the Forbidden City in one and in another she was holding a Chinese flag near Tiananmen Square.
A photo of her and Yam at a beach in more recent times was also posted. The final photo was of a birthday card she made for her father. Netizens noted that the teen is almost as tall as Yam and some said that the actor still looked good despite his age. Ella is the only child of Yam and his wife, supermodel Sophia Kao, better known as Qi Qi.
The teenager is known for her good looks and slender frame after doing photo shoots for magazines such as Vogue Taiwan and Elle Hong Kong.
In late 2019, Yam told The Straits Times that he hopes she will not pursue acting as a career as it is too taxing.
Born on March 19, 1955, Simon Yam Tat-wah is a Hong Kong actor and film producer. He received international acclaim for his performances in international film festival and box office hits such as Naked Killer, SPL: Sha Po Lang, Election, Election 2 , Exiled, Lara Croft: Tomb Raider – The Cradle of Life and The Thieves.
Yam started off as a model before becoming an actor in the mid-1970s. He then signed on with the Hong Kong television network TVB, starring and co-starring in a number of television series before entering the film industry. His elder brother is Yam Tak-wing, a former Deputy Commissioner of Hong Kong Police./TISG