In yet another determined social media post, Chief of People’s Voice Party, Lim Tean, called out the incumbents on Merdeka Package’subsidy for MediShield Life premiums.

The Merdeka Generation Package offers healthcare subsidies to Singaporeans born between 1950–1959. At present, as part of the Merdeka Package, an additional 5% subsidy is given for annual premiums, increasing to 10% after the elderly turn 75 years old.

In a social media post yesterday, Lim Tean wrote, “But don’t be happy because most Singaporeans don’t realise that this coming November, the yearly declining transitional premium subsidies when MediShield Life was introduced four years ago will end. So your premiums are going to shoot up by between 50-100%!”

“Is this not the classic case of giving you a chicken wing but taking the whole chicken back from you?” he continued.

Lim Tean then remarked, “You must realise by now that the “Merdeka” Package is a total sham and the PAP are hoping that you will be so appreciative of the package that you will give them your vote”.

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Lim Tean’s post on Facebook received rather supportive views, with most of those commenting agreeing with him.

Earlier this month, Lim Tean, made some big accusations on social media when he wrote that the “state media” was putting out fake news. In that post, he also said that Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong made remarks about Vietnam that were “uncalled for”.

However, towards the end of his post, Lim Tean clarified his accusations and wrote, “This is tantamount to Fake News! A media that conscientiously does not report and cover relevant news is as guilty of creating fake news as a person who deliberately spreads falsehoods!” /TISG

Read related: Lim Tean accuses “state media” of fake news, and PM Lee of “uncalled for remarks about Vietnam’s “invasion” of Cambodia”