Singapore – A home is meant to be a peaceful getaway from the stress of the outside world. But having unbearable neighbours can make that illusion turn into a nightmare. One woman exposed such instances with her “incorrigible neighbours” who leaves swept up dirt into her doorstep or burning incense in the common corridor with flames that look like a bonfire and clearly a fire hazard. To make matters worse, those neighbours are leaders in the community organization so they should know better and lead by example.

On February 9, 2019 (Saturday), a member of the public, Sinchita Sathish, revealed the truths about her unbearable experiences with her incorrigible neighbours through a Facebook post. From sweeping dust to the common drain near her doorstep, burning incense with the flames reaching half the corridor height to starting a fight and resorting to physical violence, Ms. Sinchita illustrated how her supposed pleasant experience at home has become into something short of a terrible dream.

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Even though she has raised the issues multiple times and reached mediation at the Community Mediation Centre about two months ago, nothing has improved. Could it be because the husband, Mr. Jason Yeo is the chairperson of Sembawang Zone E RN, or that his wife, Ms. Sheila Yeo is also a Residents Committee member? Ms. Sinchita asked the question, “Are we now saying that members who of the Residents Committee are above the law?”

She has even raised her issues with the Singapore Police Force (SPF), the National Environment Agency (NEA), the Housing & Development Board (HDB) and The People’s Association to no avail. No action has been taken against the woman, who is the main perpetrator. Only a “talk” between the RC heads took place with the couple being advised to “tone down” occurred.

Ms. Sinchita continued her post by touching on more pertinent issues such as leadership competency and asked, “Have our governmental organizations steered so far away from impartiality that now it endorses incompetent, uncouth people like this to retain positions of leadership?”

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In a statement exclusive to The Independent Singapore, Ms. Sinchita said:

I think what I would like for it to be brought to attention is how despite multiple complaints being made and going through the appropriate venues to air such grievances, the authorities fail to regard our complaints seriously. Instead, there is this absolute callous attitude for the issues raised. Our concerns are falling on deaf ears. I have been emailing and constantly chasing after a Sembawang CC representative about the issues mentioned to which she mentioned in a phone call that she had received my email but she was unsure how to reply. If the executives who are tasked to handle such issues cannot do it rightfully or fairly, then I think it needs to be brought to the attention of the media. Grassroots leaders are expected to be exemplary citizens, not individuals who have run amok with power. And the fact that despite so many organisations being aware of their trangressions and choosing to be passive shows that they endorse such behaviour.

Read her full post below:

Just another day living at home having to deal with my incorrigible neighbours. The issue of sweeping dust to the common…

Posted by Sinchita Sathish on Saturday, 9 February 2019

ByHana O