“I’m the King of the Road.”
One hundred kilometers everyday is nothing to 62-year-old Grab rider who rides on his bicycle as part of his job. Mr. Ang however, is not doing it just to earn money but for the love of cycling, and of course, freedom. And it appears, he’s not retiring anytime soon.
“A guy like me, I dont want to be controlled by people,” Mr. Ang said when asked what attracted him to his present job and why he is staying. Another reason why he likes his job is because of the freedom he gets from it everyday. “I like to go where I want,” he added.
Mr. Ang also made it clear that he likes to do his job and his cycling alone. “I like to be a lone ranger,” a statement which reflected his extremely independent spirit. “If I go alone, I’m the king of the road, its up to me,” the 62-year-old cyclist bragged.
He admitted though that he still experiences some difficulties with the Grab app and because of this inadequacy, some people think (and joke) that he “comes from the mountain” or that he’s “ignorant” all because he has a hard time familiarizing with the app.
He also has some difficulties with customers who have their cellphones on silent mode, when he calls them, they don’t answer because obviously they don’t hear the phone ring.
But then when he stops calling them, then they would start calling him, and usually, they will call him 20 minutes after. For a cyclist like him, 20 minutes already means having covered a long distance and to go back to those customers means more effort.
When asked if he applies sun block to his skin everytime he goes out to see his customers, he said he doesn’t use one and that he doesn’t believe in artificial skin cosmetics such as sun block though he did show how tanned his skin had become from long hours in the sun.
Mr. Ang ended the conversation with his interviewers saying that he intends to stay at his job as long as his legs can cycle because he appreciates his freedom so much.