We are past the middle mark of the year which means it is a perfect time to check in your new year resolution and if you are working towards making them come true. While it is common that we get distracted or fall off track while trying to work towards our resolution, it is still not too late to do something about it.
One thing that can help us do so is with the help of Facebook groups. Facebook groups help connect like-minded people in a community, to discuss, learn and share resources on a variety of topics.
source: http://ricewisdom.org/recipe-nasi-lemak.html
One way to look at it is a group of Nasi Lemak lovers, Member A cooks the rice really well and he teaches the group how to do so. Member B who is best at fried chicken wing shares his recipe with the group too. Over time, the members of the group will be able to cook the best Nasi Lemak in Singapore when more members step forward to share their what works and what did not.
Compare this to having to do your own research on various ingredients and trial and error on some of the cooking methods, the collective intelligence and knowledge of a group definitely works better.
Here are 4 Facebook Groups that will be really useful in your personal finance journey.
Singapore Scams Discussion
Prevention is better than cure.
Falling victim to a scam can result in undesirable monetary losses. When it comes to scam, staying away from it totally is better than learning from it.
The Singapore Scams Discussion is a group for members to share relevant information with one another with regards to possible scams in Singapore so that others would avoid falling for the same scams.
Seedly Personal Finance Community
The Seedly personal finance community is an initiative that serves to curate the best personal finance questions and answers in one place.
If you are residing in Singapore and would love to take steps to get better at managing your money or share your knowledge with others, this is the Facebook Group to be in. It is a one-stop solution to your daily personal finance articles and also a family where one can participate in a discussion in the form of comments and polls with no pressure.
Topics discussed in the Facebook Group:
– Cutting Expenses, Budgeting, Hacks
– Clearing Debts
– Basic Insurance
– Savings, Rainy-day funds
– Passive Income or Investing
SGX Technical Analysis And Fundamental Analysis
Investing in stocks can be intimidating for beginners, but it forms an important aspect of our personal finance journey. While there are many stocks website available, nothing beats a strong community of stocks centric individuals sharing their opinion and valuable knowledge on certain stocks.
SGX Technical Analysis And Fundamental Analysis Facebook Group is now 30,000 members strong. Learn from some of the best investors in the industry and should you have a question on any stocks, it is also a good channel to start an insightful discussion.
A Facebook Group Involving Your Hobby
Your after work hobby does not just keep you sane after a long day at work, they can help you boost your work performance too.
Reports show that engaging in a creative hobby helps one perform 15 to 30 per cent better at work, and there is a few reason behind it.
A hobby allows one to learn more about themselves. One can learn more about their strengths and weakness that can help them carry out their work better. A hobby also helps an individual take his mind off work and give it a full recharge before he heads back to work.
Joining a Facebook Group involving your hobby can help remind one to take a bit of time off work for his favourite past time, or meet like-minded members to better enjoy the hobby.
Source: Seedly