businessman thinking money and goal on a meadow

SINGAPORE: Investors looking at Singapore’s stock market have to keep these companies on their radar as each has potentially game-changing developments on the horizon.

According to The Smart Investor, these are the three Singapore stocks you should watch out for in April.

1. Singapore Exchange Limited

First up is Singapore Exchange Limited, the main stock exchange in the city-state. In recent years, SGX has been diversifying its offerings, expanding beyond traditional stock listings.

Last year saw the introduction of Singapore Depository Receipts (SDRs), enabling local investors to access Thai-listed blue-chip stocks.

Now, they’re getting ready to launch interest rate derivatives later this year.

These new products, tied to rates like the Singapore Overnight Rate Average (SORA) and Tokyo Overnight Average Rate (TONA), could hedge against interest rate fluctuations.

With SGX’s track record of attracting international participants, this move could boost their revenue and profits.

2. Union Gas

Next, we’ve got Union Gas, a major player in the fuel products sector. They’re branching out into electric vehicle (EV) charging, teaming up with a company from Hong Kong called Deltrix Limited.

Now, Union Gas is poised to expand its offerings beyond liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), natural gas (NG), and diesel.

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The company already has EV charging stations, but the plans include installing more EV charging stations across its locations in Singapore, with CEO Teo Hark Piang hinting at potential ventures in Japan and Southeast Asia.

This move shows Union Gas is keeping up with the times and trying new things.

3. Singapore Post Limited

Lastly, Singapore Post Limited is a postal and eCommerce logistics provider across the Asia Pacific.

The company is undergoing a transformational journey, aiming to shift its focus towards becoming a pure-play logistics provider within three years.

They’ve been reviewing their strategy since May 2023 and plan to sell some assets that aren’t part of their main business. Identified assets selected for monetization include selected properties and international holdings.

The money they make from this will help reduce debt, fuel growth initiatives, and potentially reward shareholders with dividends. This might mean good news for shareholders, offering a potential rebound from its current low point.

Keep an eye on these three companies, as they might just have some surprises in store for you this April. /TISG

Read also: 4 Singapore REITs with higher dividend yields than CPF OA & SSB

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