At Yishun Avenue 4, where Singapore’s first female President Halimah Yacob will continue to live, reserved parking lots for police vehicles and President’s personal vehicles have been marked by red line. Apparently, some people didn’t get the memo.

Since Wednesday (Sep 13), President Halimah’s HDB carpark had parking lots marked for police vehicles and her personal limousine SEP 1.
Some residents say that they were not informed and unaware of the changes despite the striking red banner that reads “Reserved For Police Vehicles”.

In fact, outside the corner of her flat there were two policemen checking on anyone who wanted to enter the area. At the opposite block and in and around the vicinity, more uniformed officers were on patrol.
Netizens have expressed their unhappiness about President Halimah’s desire to reside at HDB, saying that it has inconvenienced them.
The heightened security around the block has also raised eyebrows.