Yee Jenn Jong, the Workers’ Party (WP) Marine Parade GRC candidate took to social media to highlight some changes he felt Singapore’s political system could do with.

In a Facebook post on Monday (Jul 28), Mr Yee shared a quote by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, who said that the nine other newly elected WP MPs and the two Non-Constituency MPs from the Progress Singapore Party will play their role of a “responsible and loyal opposition”.

“Their duty is not merely to raise criticisms and ask questions of the Government, necessary as these functions are, but also, more importantly, to put forward serious policy alternatives to be scrutinised and debated,” Mr Lee said of the opposition politicians in Parliament.

In his Facebook post, Mr Yee wrote that while he was sure the opposition parliamentarians would raise constructive suggestions, “The question remains whether the government will provide information when needed and will listen and acknowledge when changes are made after the opposition had first proposed them.”

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Noting that there was “much to be ‘fixed’ in our political system if we really wish to accommodate voters’ desire for greater diversity of political views”,

Mr Yee said: “These include:
1. Allowing access by elected opposition MPs to grassroots resources and events
2. Putting the elections department to report to a more neutral person
3. Allowing opposition MPs direct access to the Community Improvement Projects funds rather than having the Citizens Consultative Committees (CCCs), often advised by the losing candidates of the PAP to approve the projects.
4. Having a freedom of information act.
5. Revoke POFMA
6. De-politicise the management of town councils
7. Review the GRC system”

He explained that Singapore needed to continue to evolve politically in order to build the nation together.