A Facebook post highlighting a woman going to extremes to avoid paying her debt has gone viral. The woman’s creditor, named Maya Gunawan on the social media platform, shared her experience on Dec 13, noting she had met Liza Dewi Pramita through an online group.

Ms Gunawan decided to loan Ms Liza a sum of roughly S$364, despite never meeting her in person. She did make a background check by asking Ms Liza’s friends, all of whom had nothing ill to say about the woman. The due date for the loan was Nov 20, 2022. However, Ms Liza said she could not return the cash and asked for an extension until Dec 6, 2022. The promised date came and went, and Ms Liza still couldn’t pay.

Ms Gunawan was shocked to hear on Dec 11 that Ms Liza had supposedly passed away. The creditor saw a Facebook post by Ms Liza’s child, noting her mother was killed in a car crash on a bridge in Medan, Indonesia. The post included photos of Ms Liza’s corpse dressed in white with cotton stuffed into her nostrils. One of the photos also showed a medical staff pushing a gurney with something that looked like a body covered in a white sheet.

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Photo: FB screengrab

Ms Gunawan was initially sad to hear of the woman’s sudden death; however, she discovered that the burial site was at Aceh Tamiang, far from where Ms Liza lived.

A quick Google search revealed the same photo of a gurney in a medical institution which Ms Liza’s child used in the post. Her findings prodded her to air her frustrations on social media. Ms Liza’s child also confessed to Kosmo that the whole thing was fake.

Ms Liza is alive but has become uncontactable, and Ms Gunawan has yet to claim her IDR4.2 million (S$364) from the woman. /TISG

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