SINGAPORE: A woman took to social media complaining after a guy she dated for a few months demanded that she reject her promotion so she would not earn more than him.

In an anonymous post to popular confessions page SGWhispers, the woman said: “I don’t have anything against men who don’t earn much, have a bad character, shallow mindset”.

She continued: “But for goodness sake, find a woman who matches you, accepts you and will give in your man child c**p behavior. Basically you just want a woman to take over your mother’s role but with additional bed benefits only. I’m sure there will be some willing women even though some may grumble about it years later”.

She added that the man she dated for “a few months” “had the audacity to demand that I reject my promotion because it would mean that my income would be significantly higher than him. He disguised the talk that he didn’t want us to spend less time together due to my new management role but I can sense his jealousy from miles away. The suggestion was not out of love or concern for us”.

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The woman told such men to leave “high quality” women alone. “No one in their right mind will reject a promotion just because your ego can’t accept that she can earn more than you!” she said.

Man says woman on dating app asked if his salary was more than $8K for ‘serious relationship or marriage’

Earlier this year, a man wrote that a woman he matched on a dating app asked him about his salary right from the get-go.

In an anonymous post to popular confessions page SGWhispers, the woman said she was looking for “a serious relationship with a view to marriage”. When the man responded that it was always good to go on a date with an outcome in mind, the woman asked if his salary was more than $8,000.

“What is this world coming to? Am I going on a business venture?? Believe majority of the ladies are not like Lady A. It is simply disheartening to see this sort of messages. i think being single is better than this treatment,” the man wrote. /TISG