Facebook page All Singapore Stuff shared a post, which centered around a woman and her confiscated e-scooter, which was reportedly 7.7kgs heavier than the allowable 20kgs. Two months after her e-scooter was confiscated by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) of Singapore, she received a letter of non-compliance plus an exorbitant bill for $1797.80 for towing and storing charges. Is the dual punishment (towing and now charges) too much for the crime?

The post by ROADS.sg read:

“Getting your E-scooter confiscated is already frustrating but getting another bill of $1797.80 is just unbelievable.

This lady got her scooter seized by LTA on 30/07/18 while she was heading to work. Reason being that it was over the allowable weight of 20 kg.

She receives this letter 2 months plus later and asking her to pay for : 
•TOWING FEE – $150
•STORAGE FEE $21.40X77days = $1647.80

Total sum up to be $1797.80

Don’t you feel it is unfair to be punished twice for one wrongdoing?”




On July 30, the woman was spotted riding along the footpath of Bedok North Road at nearly 10 in the morning on a “non-compliant e-scooter”. Her e-scooter weighed 27.7kgs, way over the 20kgs limit.

Her e-scooter was towed away and impounded by the Vehicle Services Group of the LTA for two months.

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The letter asked that she attend an interview on October 15 to assist with the investigation on her overweight e-scooter. She was also billed for the towing and for the storage of her e-scooter.

Non-compliance letter screengrab/ROADS.sg Facebook

The towing fee was a flat fee of $150, but the storage fee was large – $1647.80 ($21.40 per day for 77 days).

Her bill came up to a whopping $1797.80.

The letter also said that if she did not comply with the interview and the payment, her e-scooter would be “put up for disposal” and she would face legal proceedings to recover the fees.

This incident was met with strong, divided reactions from netizens on Facebook.

Some thought that the dual punishments – confiscating her e-scooter and making her pay for the towing and storage – were too much for the crime:

Others defended the law as they felt like she deserved the confiscation and the payments, because she knew she was taking a risk with her e-scooter:

These netizens said that the woman was “endangering” the lives of those around her because of her non-compliant e-scooter:

The government is doing a good job, said this guy:
This user poses the idea of prevention over punishment: