By: James Aruldoss

We have a greedy and insecure Government that hoards, amasses wealth for its own good, with a deluded and deceptive syndrome (like a bee in your bonnet) that “there is never enough”, backing reasons like “country with no natural resources” and citing policies “to benefit the poor and marginalised”.

Really! We have gone past that years ago!

As long as we have our uncles and aunties cleaning toilets, floors and tables in the food centres when they should be enjoying the twilight years, and the complete contrast of high ministerial/public servants salaries, how do you account for that or even justify it? Where is the improved livelihood?

Clearly, it’s a testament of how the Government is treating their citizens.

What do you think captures the young Singaporeans when they see old folks doing what they do instead of enjoying the benefits of the land? What enters their mind? A deep sense of insecurity subconsciously permeating and welling up within, in the psyche that indelibly produces a crippling effect of not wanting to get married, to have babies or to work endlessly to the grave, if not already so … thoughts of not having enough to fend for themselves, the fate of ending up like the uncles and aunties and the word “retired” turning into an ugly word.

See also  PAP cannot run away from its policies as economy unravels

What’s the point of boasting a strong dollar or a strong passport or an incredible airport and all the glitz of a cosmopolitan 1st world city at the costly price and state of its citizens.

There is now a deep distrust with the PAP Government. It’s time for us to think, act and courageously vote differently at the ballot box.

We must stop the self-deluded and self-destructive excuse that there ain’t enough talent in Singapore, or in other political parties other than PAP. We are Singaporeans, all the same, no different from the other.

Observe closely. We have a Law/Home Affairs minister who continues to conjure up every conceivable law to police our country, with its intention to police our minds. Where is this directive from or is he acting on his own?

Will we choose to remain status quo, not to rock the boat, and prefer the continuing absolute power and discretion of the PAP Government? You decide!