YISHUN – Netizen Arc Lingerson has warned people about a cai png stall in Yishun via the Facebook group Complaint Singapore because he thinks it is the source of the food poisoning that he and his mother suffered last Sunday.
In a lengthy post detailing what he says happened recently, Mr. Lingerson laments that the incident has also severed his friendly relationship with the stall owner whom he had cultivated and whom fleetingly he considered a friend.
Things went south rapidly between Mr. Lingerson and the stall cook, which ended their neighborly customer-owner camaraderie, as he records. They got to know one another just over the Chinese New Year and made small talk whenever he went there to eat.
Mr. Lingerson said he found out that the cook also owned the stall and was originally from Malaysia. Perhaps feeling sorry for he stallholder who couldnt be with his family over the CNY holidays, Mr Lingerson said he gave him a small gift.
“I felt that the neighborhood hawker-resident type of relationship was going in a good direction… More small talk allows us to better appreciate their hard work and give them our support vs the bigger F&B establishments,” he added.
Things seemed to be moving along just fine until last Sunday around 7:45 pm when he dropped by to give the stallholder another gift of Malaysian tidbits and did a takeaway which he and his mum ate around 8:30 pm. There seemed nothing wrong with the food.
Mr. Lingerson said thaton Sunday night, his stomach started to feel weird. The morning after, he checked with her mother who was already at work, and found that she was also experiencing the same discomforts. That day, he had his booster shot scheduled and decided to drop by the stall to talk with the owner
He said he told the stallholderhe didn’t intend to complain to the authorities without first talking it over with him. He said the stallholder immediately shifted the blame to the customer and told him to never eat food from his stall again.
“He had the cheek to tell me not to eat his food anymore, to avoid curry and spicy stuff as our stomachs can’t take his spice,” said Mr Lingerson who said he was appalled that he didn’t even get an apology.
He asked on the website if any other customer had also suffered from food poisoning as he intended to report this to the Singapore Food Agency (SFA).
But netizens didn’t seem to offer him much support. Some pointed out that there wasn’t any conclusive proof, such as a doctor’s note , for what he experienced to be classified as food poisoning.