A man whose girlfriend “invaded” his “personal gaming space,” leading him to drop a team member and causing their rank to also drop, has asked for advice on how to deal with her. He described the woman as depressed as well as “overly needy” and the man appears to be at his wits’ end because of her behaviour.

“What do I do? Sometimes she even resort(s) to coming over to my place during my work at home just to squeeze out every last drop of time I have left,” he wrote in an Apr 24 post on the NUSWhispers Facebook page.

He explained in his post that his girlfriend pesters him to be with her or game with her “all the time.”

And when he tells her he’s busy, he claims that she makes a big deal of it. 

“I had to resort to telling her a white lie that I am busy at work sometimes, just to catch a breather,” he added. 

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From his post, it seems that she often asks him to game with her during his free time, especially when she’s bored.

He added that she did not last long in the job she last had and is currently “mostly a stay home person.”

However, in spite of her being jobless, he added, “I already do all her chores, go to work to support our living and now I am also expected to entertain her the entire day?”

The man took special exception to his girlfriend having “invaded my personal gaming space by joining my 5-man team with my kakis, thanks to that, we had to exclude one of us so that she can join my games, even had my bro bitching to me that she is causing our ranking to drop because of her low skill level.”

However, he did not tell his girlfriend about their low ranking, as he did “not want to create drama.”

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Netizens seemed only too ready to answer his question of what he should do.

A number of commenters advised him to get her to seek help for her depression or her addiction to gaming.

Others were less kind and told him to “dump her fast.”

One commenter told the man to tell the woman to get a job.


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