SINGAPORE: A man recently shared a heartwarming story on social media about how the Uggli Muffins owner at Toa Payoh made his day by giving him and another customer the last “not so muffins” for free.

In a post on r/SingaporeEats, a Reddit forum, the man recalled that he visited the store during lunch to buy some muffins, only to find they were nearly sold out. The lady ahead of him was also hoping to buy some, but despite a tray of six muffins still being on the counter, the owner said, “No more already.”

To his surprise, the owner picked up a muffin, put it in a plastic bag and handed it to him for free, saying, “Free, just take it.” After that, he also packed two muffins and gave them to the lady.

When she tried to pay him, the owner refused and said, “No, these are not the nicest, so free. Don’t secretly try and pay me ah! (He may have meant PayNow).”

Wanting to buy more, the man approached the owner, who looked at him and said, “Give you free already, you still want to buy? Give you more!” He then packed the last two muffins and gave them to the man, refusing any payment.

“What a pleasantly whimsical guy. Have to say he made my day,” said the man.

The post has since garnered 590 upvotes on the forum, with many Singaporeans praising the owner’s generosity. Some even shared their own encounters with the owner, confirming that he is indeed as good-natured as described in the post.

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One individual mentioned, “When queues are very very long, he would offer free samples to each customer in the queue and when customers are paying with cash, he would open his money drawer and tell them to pay and help themselves with the change. Sometimes he would also ask customers if they have eaten his muffins before and if they said no, he would give them a free muffin to try as well.”

Another shared, “I had an encounter with the owner that I’ll always remember: Many years ago, I went to buy muffins, but I forgot that I had no cash with me. This was before the time of Paynow, Grabpay, etc. I only realised it after ordering. The owner looked at me and said: “you can take the muffins..when you come back next time then you pay me back”

“The level of trust he put in a random customer like myself was just amazing.”

A third individual recounted, “Visited their store 2x years back, and each time he was generous with the “samples” / free extra muffins. And I say this as a customer who isn’t even buying a whole box! Probably only bought 2-3 pieces or so.

Not sure if he still does it but I remember digging for my own change at the counter, he said something like ‘ehh you look for your own change/help yourself.”

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