Singapore — Photos of an overflowing tray return station were circulated online by netizens, along with photos of uncleared plates and crockery left on tables as a result.

A netizen who went by the name Bob Sim, shared the photos on the Voice Your Grievances Facebook group on Thursday (Feb 3), asked: “amy, amy, where are you thou?”

Though there was no location indicated, the photos were taken on Feb 2, at around 1.20pm. The photos showed not only two tray return stations seen overflowing, but also two tables filled with uncleared plates. These plates still had leftover food, drinks and trash on them.

Photo: FB/Voice Your Grievances

Senior Minister of State for Sustainability and the Environment Amy Khor said on Dec 30 that more diners at hawker centres have been clearing their tables after their meals, with the tray return rate at such eateries more than doubling since February last year.

She added that at the end of November, the average tray and crockery return rate at hawker centres was 84 per cent, up from 33 per cent when the Clean Tables campaign was first launched by the National Environment Agency (NEA) in February 2021.

Netizens who commented on the photos were rather sarcastic in their comments, with many saying that the initiative was a failure.

From Jan 1 2022, the table littering rule was enforced for diners at coffee shops and food courts. First-time offenders will receive a written warning. Second-time offenders will face a composition fine of S$300, while subsequent offenders may face court fines. /TISG