Singapore – An Aetos traffic marshal called to the scene of an accident has been alleged to have not been wearing a mask and to have handled the situation in an unprofessional manner.

The accident, involving a vehicle and a motorcycle, occurred on Thursday (May 28) along the Seletar Expressway in the direction of the Bukit Timah Expressway.

A member of the Complaint Singapore social media platform, who related the accident involving his sister-in-law and a motorcyclist on Monday (June 1) but who wished to remain anonymous, added that he had some doubts regarding the legal power of the officer as he had been called by the motorcyclist involved in the accident.

“After the accident, instead of calling the ambulance and traffic police, the rider called his friend who is an Aetos (LTA traffic marshal) on duty to come over to help,” said the complainant. He claimed that, when the officer arrived, he walked over to the motorcyclist and chatted with him for an estimated 10 minutes.

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“By the way, this traffic marshal handled the situation in a very unprofessional manner,” he said. The officer was rude in demanding the identity card of his sister-in-law without giving a reason.

The complainant’s brother, who was at the scene, explained that the woman was still in shock and in no condition to talk and that they wished to wait for the Traffic Police.

The complainant, who said “civilians are being punished and fined heavily for not wearing a mask during the circuit breaker”, added that the “Aetos officer engaged by LTA should be penalised more severely to serve as a role example”.

According to a report, Aetos is investigating the incident. “We take a very serious view of all such matters. We are currently conducting an investigation into the incident in question,” said the security firm.

Traffic Marshall Failure to Wear Mask

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Traffic police officer under investigation for not masking up properly while on duty

ByHana O