SINGAPORE: In an Instagram video, local actress and theatre practitioner Shu Yi Ching publicly shared her experience on what had happened when she caught a man randomly taking videos of her. The actress also permitted others to share her story.

The actress shared on her TikTok account that she caught a man randomly taking a video of her without her consent. The video was taken while the man was walking in a parking lot. The man admitted taking the video, continued apologising, and pleaded to leave him alone. However, Yi Ching demanded the man delete the video, or else she would call the police. She also reiterated that what he did was a violation of human rights.

“We need to do something about this. I am done living a life in fear and anxiety,” she added. “… I’ve also received many other of the same stories, and it pains my heart to see SO MANY of us has suffered and is still suffering today.”


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A post shared by Shu Yi 舒怡 (@shuyiching)

Mixed reactions from netizens were commented on the said IG post.

One commented on her video: “I think you should remove the video you published or at least mask his face. Taking a video/photo of an individual in a public place without consent is not illegal. Publishing it without consent however is. You can explain your situation, let people know that you have this encounter but until the guy is found guilty of taking lewd photos, he may just be a follower or fan of yours and wanted to take a photo of you when he sees you in public. It may not be right, but what you did, posting a 4 min long video of him and painting him as a pervert when he has not been charged or proven guilty in any case is not cool.”

Some argue that this is the price she must pay as a public figure.

An IG user stated: “But honestly, this is what you need to deal with if you wanna be a public figure/influencer. We see videos of celebrities taken by members of the public everywhere on the internet. Taking out a camera would be the first instinct many people have when they see JJLIN (for example) on the streets. So, if you already have a big pool of followers on social medial and enjoy the benefits brought along by the fame, then it’s inevitable that such events may happen from time to time and you will have to learn to manage how you react to it. Standing up for your own rights no problem. Fight for your video to be deleted also a good move. But letting such event affect your emotion in such a negative way can be bad, for your mental wellbeing, in the long run.

One more commented: “as a girl i apologise for her ridiculous behaviour. shes the reason y men claim females r over dramatic and exaggerate. stop dragging the female population down pls. if u dont like ppl looking at u/appreciating ur face on social media, then isnt it abit dumb to proclaim urself as an actor???? literally on ur bio eh sister. pls stop embarrassing women n further giving ppl the ammunition to dismiss actual, life threatening, about the b raped kind of cases of harassment. if u think crying and then posting bout it on social media is a good look, then i suggest setting ur account to private to spare the rest of us the unecessary drama.”

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Another IG user remarked: “as a public figure afraid of being taken photo/video with, in a PUBLIC area! and you are the doing the same for the man, and even post online to shame him 👏 wow best drama queen 2023”

There were also some who supported her. “Sorry you had to go thru this. hope you are feeling better!” one user said, while another commented: “Ure brave and u did the right thing, sending lotsa hugs ❤️”

“I can’t believe some of the comments on this video. This pour girl is pouring her heart out trying to raise awareness about something that happened to her. So what if she’s an influencer any tom dick and Harry can just take pic of her? Y’all never think what if this was your daughter/ sister, will you also call them drama Queen? Y’all need help sia,” a netizen commented about those who didn’t support the actress’s actions.

In another IG post, Yi Ching updated that what happened is officially a harassment case.


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A post shared by Shu Yi 舒怡 (@shuyiching)