A Singaporean has incited a debate about a rather… messy matter—using bidets versus using toilet paper. In just a few hours, the post drew in many other Singaporeans who either shared the user’s sentiments or preferred toilet paper.
An online user on Wednesday (Sept 28) turned to a Singaporean forum to vent about people’s use of toilet paper instead of bidets. “Why would anyone still use toilet paper??” the user wrote, “when clearly washing with bidet is cleaner and more hygienic”. The netizen added, “And there are just not enough toilets in Singapore with bidets”.
In response to this user’s post, many other Singaporeans joined in, with many siding with the use of bidets. Others, however, raised some concerns over hygiene matters.
“I agree with you, bidets or jet sprays are more hygienic, and they feel more clean as well, wrote one user. Another recommended a place with bidets, saying, “Jewel toilet has the fancy bidet which washes (you) with the press of a button.”
Still, another shared their high hopes for the improvement of bidets in Singapore, saying “Japan bidets are god-tier. One of the things I appreciate there. I hope one day they can arrive here.”
Other users, however, found an issue with wet floors common in toilets that are equipped with bidets. “I hate walking into wet public toilets though…not sure if it’s water or pee, said one netizen, while another commented, “I use a bidet at home but I would hate to enter a public toilet with a wet floor that would inevitably result from a bidet.”
Others talked about how they prefer both methods.