An encounter with Grogu, aka Baby Yoda from the immensely popular The Mandalorian series, warmed the cockles of Workers’ Party Member of Parliament Leon Perera (Aljunied GRC) recently.

Not the real Grogu, of course, but a talking toy version of the popular character, who gave the MP “an audible greeting” when he hopped inside a Star Wars-themed GrabCar. A delighted Mr Perera thanked the driver for “making my evening!”

“Life is not always easy. Whenever I meet people who inject a bit of cheer and good humour into their work, it warms the cockles of my heart!,” he added in a May 18 Facebook post, quoting a phrase that fellow WP MP Jamus Lim made popular during the July 2020 General Election.

The Grogu toy in the GrabCar appears to be Hasbro’s Star Wars The Child Animatronic version, which, adorably, makes over 25 different sounds plus a number of head and arm movements, demonstrated in the video below.

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Aside from Grogu, there were many other Star Wars figures in the vehicle, including Darth Vader, Han Solo, C3PO, Chewbacca and a small battalion of stormtroopers. 

Mr Perera’s post delighted many netizens, including Assoc Prof Lim, who commented that the GrabCar warmed the cockles of his heart as well.

This, of course, led to some good-natured ribbing from netizens.

There were also many Star Wars-themed comments as well, including one who said, “Wah…the force is strong with you…managed to get a Grab at night!!”

Other commenters who have taken the same Grab Car chimed in as well.


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