Singapore — The partying is going on even in the midst of the Covid-19 outbreak.

A photo has gone viral of an attractive young woman dancing the night away — while wearing a surgical mask — with many netizens praising her for balancing the desire to have fun with the need to protect herself from the virus. (The focus is on her although there is another woman in front of her who is also wearing a mask). 

Life, as wise people say, is all about balance after all.

The photo was first uploaded on Tuesday (Feb 25) as part of an album on the Facebook page of Zouk (Zouk Singapore), the music club in River Valley Road. It was from an event on Feb 19.

A number of shots in the album show the masked woman on a crowded dance floor. The photo went viral when it was uploaded the same day on the Tiagong (Hearsay) FaceBook page.

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The photo, which has the caption “Tiagong nowadays go zouk need to wear mask”, has been shared nearly 2,000 times.

True to form, netizens started speculating about the woman.

One person wondered if she was unwell.

Another netizen said anyone would look handsome and pretty in a mask, while others seemed to think it made her more attractive.

Other jokes about the woman and her fellow party people followed suit.

But at least one netizen seemed genuinely puzzled.

The official stand is that surgical masks should be worn only when one is unwell so that there is no spread of any virus. /TISG

Read also: China confirms aerosol spread of Covid-19, frontline medical workers need to wear right masks

China confirms aerosol spread of Covid-19, frontline medical workers need to wear right masks