Singapore – On 25 Aug, PAP’s Sun Xueling shared her plans (on Facebook) on how to enhance support for special needs students in Singapore.

She wrote: “Our children may come from different backgrounds but in Singapore, we endeavour to make sure that every child has a good start and access to as many opportunities as possible.

Minister Lawrence Wong shared that I will be overseeing the Pre-school sector and special needs education. I will like to dwell deeper into some issues which I am passionate about since my time as a backbencher and as a parent with young children myself.”
Ms Sun shared that in 2016 and 2017, she had built a toy library for special needs children in her ward, alongside an interim container library to support the reading needs of young children. This was back when she was a back-bencher.
Now with her new role at both the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Social and Family Development, Ms Sun wishes to provide greater aid for “children from low-income families and those with special needs nationwide”.
She stated her intentions to work with the Ministry of Education to provide more support for special needs students in mainstream schools and Special Education (SPED) Schools.
With regards to this, Ms Sun wrote: “We will need specialised manpower to deliver these early intervention programmes or appropriate learning and psychological support. I will soon lay out a road map for educators in the special needs space.”
Apart from showing support for special needs students, Ms Sun also acknowledged concerns over affordable childcare options.  She stated that subsidy enhancements for both childcare and infant care have been effective since January this year.
In addition, she explained that for infant care to be even more accessible, “more infant care places must be created with sufficient edu-carers to care for the young ones”. She is thus working to produce a manpower development plan so that more people would consider having a career in this sector.
You may read Ms Sun’s full post here.


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